Meet Bi Rongrong


Bi Rongrong (毕蓉蓉) is from Ningbo, Zhejiang Province. She is currently based in Shanghai. This collection comprises 25 paper works, never before shown together. These pieces reflect her artistic journey between 2008 and 2016.

In 2005, Bi Rongrong received a bachelor’s degree in Chinese Traditional Painting from Southwest Normal University in Chongqing. Afterwards, she continued her studies in the Chinese Landscape Painting Department at Sichuan University and obtained a Master of Fine Arts degree in 2008. In 2010, She received her MFA from the Frank Mohr Institute, Groningen, The Netherlands.

In her current practice, Bi Rongrong makes drawings, murals and site-specific installations. She often starts with drawings to present her perception of nature. In the context of an exhibition, she searches to create a dialogue between the drawings and the exhibition space. Therefore, the space is used as a possible surface for her drawings, which are expanding themselves from one room to another, from one plane to another, in order to transform their perceptions.

Recent solo exhibitions include:
Fiction Landscape, A Thousand Plateaus Art Space, Chengdu (2016)
Absolute, Vanguard Gallery, Shanghai (2016)
Tri-Images-A Drawing Being Produced, A Thousand Plateaus Art Space, Chengdu (2015)
Manchester CMYK solo project on Art 021 Art Fair, Shanghai (2014)
Converging Energies-Two Artists Solos by Bi Rongrong and Zhang Ruyi, V-Art Center, Shanghai (2013)
Gas Station V-Two Solos by Bi Rongrong and Chen Tianzhuo, Vanguard Gallery, Shanghai (2012)
Bazaar Compatible Program #4, Ideal & Useless Space, Shanghai (2011)

Recent group exhibitions and public art projects include:
A Tangible Shadow, Public Art Project, building C, Sifang Art Museum, Nanjing (2014)
As Seen in Nature, ArtReview Asia Xiàn Chǎng section, West Bund Art & Design, Shanghai (2016)
A Beautiful Disorder, Cass Sculpture Foundation, Chichester, UK (2016)

Misha Maruma
Misha Maruma
Misha is the founder and editor of Chinese Contemporary Art Network. He has been writing about contemporary Chinese art since 2015.


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