Full Metal Art

The son of a cruise missile engineer, Liao Yibai grew up surrounded by Cultural Revolution propaganda.


Chinese Ink

Full Metal Art

The son of a cruise missile engineer, Liao Yibai grew up surrounded by Cultural Revolution propaganda.

An Imaginary Enemy

As a child, Yibai Liao grew up in a top-secret missile factory in the Chinese countryside.


Full Metal Art

The son of a cruise missile engineer, Liao Yibai grew up surrounded by Cultural Revolution propaganda.

Guys and Dolls

In 1994, artist Wang Xuejun realised his generation was blind to the so-called 'Western worship' trend.

Endless Form

During Design Shanghai in April 2018, Zhang Zhoujie unveiled his long-awaited design brand Endless Form.

Guys and Dolls

In 1994, artist Wang Xuejun realised his generation was blind to the so-called 'Western worship' trend.

Retainers of Anarchy

Howie Tsui’s work often dives deep into the liminal and oscillating space of diasporic experience.

The Anatomy of Rage

A rising star, Lu Yang participated in the Chinese Pavilion at the 2015 Venice Biennale.

Unbounded Redux

You Si portrays mental comprehension through subtle mediation between shape, form and shade.

An Imaginary Enemy

As a child, Yibai Liao grew up in a top-secret missile factory in the Chinese countryside.

Four Seasons

“I think little in my brain but more relate to the colour,” Qu Fengguo tells me.

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